New youth and children’s rooms Magnet
New youth and children's rooms called “Magnet” are intended for both the youngest and slightly older children and teenagers. They are suitable for learning and spending free time playing. The furniture is designed to offer the optimal amount of storage space, so child’s room won’t be cluttered - toys and school supplies will have their place.The main reason why the youth and children’s room “Magnet” is so popular is in the modern lines, vivid colour combinations and a wide range of possible placements of individual furniture elements. We like to call children room »Magnet« a Custom Design Room. All the open shelves and cabinets without drawers can be adjusted to room space and your wishes. The same goes for the desk. It can be adjusted into a corner or standard desk in different sizes.
You can also choose a custom Alples built-in wardrobe, tailored to your individual needs and in the harmonious colors of the Magnet. For the smooth regeneration of the young brain during sleep, we covered the headboard and bedside tables with innovative radiation protection for the whole night.

You can choose from ten different handles.
Innovative solutions for health protection
The fabric, which is installed in the headboard of the bed and bedside table in the MAGNET youth children’s program, 99% prevents the passage of radiation from mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets, laptops) without which we can no longer do without. This limits the harmful radiation that negatively affects the physical and mental functioning of children and adolescents.
Sleep is essential for smooth physical and mental functioning. During sleep, the regeneration of the entire organism takes place, with the regeneration of the brain being especially important. The radiation from mobile devices negatively impacts this process, so we want to limit it as much as possible. The fabric, which is built into certain elements, provides 99% protection against the passage of radiation. The elements are designed so that we can still be reached via a mobile device, while radiation is reduced to a minimum.
Upholstered headboard with radiation protection – a safe haven for better sleep.
Nightstand with radiation protection – for better regeneration and healthy sleep
The fabric, which is built into certain elements, 99% prevents the passage of radiation. Radiation is thus reduced to a minimum. We measured this with a professional measuring device.
RFEM is radio frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless electronic devices. We measured EMS values for different phone distances. When part of the Alples furniture was between the data transfer phone and the measuring device, the measured values were much smaller. The highest measured values of magnetic radiation were reduced by 99.5% in the cabinet and by 99.4% in the bed. Composition of the element (beds and bedside tables) with protection;
a melamine plate to which a protective fabric is attached, then it is covered with a fabric or melamine plate. The fabric with protection is not visible from the outside.
These are really great results that testify that our furniture development is going in the right direction. An innovative solution that we have announced.

Link to the catalog of children’s rooms Magnet!
You can order the printed edition of the catalog here.
You can send an inquiry to or visit us at the nearest Alples furniture salon.
To get started, check out the site here.
- Timeless design
White color as always current and the latest trendy oak.
- Spatial flexibility – production of custom elements and processing of elementsCustomise your furniture using a simple trick — an open shelf with custom width
- Safety – radiation protection (innovation) Innovative solutions for health protection – EMS
The program includes the latest design trends and
innovative solution: The fabric, which in the youth children’s program MAGNET is installed in the nightstand and the headboard of the bed, 99% prevents the passage of radiation from mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets, laptops) without which we can no longer do. This limits the harmful radiation that negatively affects the physical and mental functioning of children and adolescents.
An upholstered headboard with radiation protection – a safe haven for better sleep
A nightstand with radiation protection – for better regeneration and healthy sleep
- Work corners and home officesHome offices or work from home is a very current topic in the current situation, which many of us have faced in the past year.WORKING CORNERS The desk is an important element, so we allow custom sizes and a choice of shapes, colours and materials.A desk makes up a working corner — let’s connect it to a set of cabinets
A custom desk can be placed on a cabinet or drawer of suitable height. This provides some closed-off area and makes it more useful.
Designing custom desks – you assemble the desk yourself!
Maximum plate lengths 2400mm.
The thickness of the plates is 38mm.
Complete your desk or computer desk with
- drawers,
- shelves,
- cubes,
- hanging lockers,
- linings and various
- high shelves and
- cabinets.
- Vgradne omare po meri skladne s pohištvom MagnetZ Alplesovo vgradno omaro, narejeno po meri, boste pridobili prostor za shranjevanje, prilagojen vašim individualnim potrebam in željam. Z njo boste dosegli popoln izkoristek prostora tudi kadar je ta zahtevno oblikovan. Pri izdelavi po meri praktično ni omejitve. Omara lahko sega od stene do stene in od stropa do tal, lahko pa je tudi krajša in se zaključi z okrasno stranico oz. nižja od stropa in se zaključi s pokrivno ploščo. Izbirati je mogoče med drsnimi in klasičnimi vrati. Pri obeh tipih vrat je na voljo veliko različnih materialov in barv, od lesnih in barvnih dekorjev ter dekorjev v visokem sijaju, do lakiranih izvedb, barvnih stekel in ogledala. Lahko se odločite tudi za kotno vgradno omaro ali pa omaro v poševni mansardi. Prednost naših vgradnih omar je skladnost z ostalim Alplesovim pohištvom. Na ta način je mogoče opremiti celoten prostor z enakim pohištvom.

- Efficiency of space in heightA bridging element for the efficient usage of vertical space — for a side bed with or without drawers

A siding bed with extra bedding, for regular or occasional use, adds value to the space.

A drawer under the bed – a smart way to make better use of space. There is enough space for two half drawers or we can choose one that fills the entire space under the bed and use it as an extra bed with an extra mattress.

A one-piece bed and cabinet — with cabinets of your choice under the bed
- Large selection of bedsAll beds are in corpus decor – white and oak.
- standard,
- lateral,
- elevated,
- lifting, width 140,
- upholstered flat,
- upholstered with protection,
- bunk bed classic,
- bunk bed with shelf.
Dimensions; width 90, 120, 140, length 200, 210, 220cm. In addition to oak and white finishes, there will also be beds with upholstered high headboard in three colors.
A bunk bed with a shelf for more light, utilised space and endless possibilities for play.

The bed is placed perpendicularly under the bunk and is complemented by low elements that serve as a nightstand and storage areas. An open custom shelf in such a set allows perfect adaptation to the space under the bunk bed.

- Infinity of creationThe magnet spreads its wings to imagination and creativity.wide selection of colors, materials and useful options offers endless creation to your personal taste. The magnet boasts an extraordinary width, which allows the individual creation of each room.On choice:– Two basic colors– 93 different cabinets for storage and storage (each cabinet has 100 different color combinations)– 11 wardrobes– 17 bed models– 4 models of bunk beds– 12 models of desks More than 100 different combinations in one element.
- Space functionality
We can equip children’s rooms, youth rooms, rooms for two, work rooms, home offices
- Long-term usability – the room grows with the child
By adding elements according to the needs of the child, the room changes from children’s to youth. By replacing the colorful fronts that the child has outgrown with more serious ones, the old room comes to life
Link to the catalog of children’s rooms Magnet!
You can order the printed edition of the catalog here.
You can send an inquiry to or visit us at the nearest Alples furniture salon.
To get started, check out the site here.
65 years
Our quality furniture has long tradition.
Modern design, quality production and excellent after-sales service.
Natural wood
Natural, renewable and ecological material. The production and processing of wood uses relatuvely little energy, giving wood products a significantly lower carbon footprint.
District heating plant
We use wood waste and residues of our production for heat production, which is supplied to the entire city.
ECO energy
Using solar power Alples provides lasting, efficient and clean green energy.
High quality and timeless design
As the leading furniture manufacturer in the Slovenian market, we are well aware of the fact that we will only be able to keep and ameliorate our market position by achieving the most stringent quality standards required by customers buying our furniture. We pay a lot of attention to quality in every field of work.
For over 65 years, we have been accumulating experience in the field of planning, designing, manufacturing, and selling furniture. Once we add innovative ideas, creativity, and dedication into the mix, this results in the largest furniture manufacturing company in Slovenia.
Our long-term experience and knowledge in the field of furniture manufacturing is a guarantee for the quality of our workmanship and services. We have already had over 3,500,000 satisfied customers trust us with their wishes, i.e. 18,000 customers per year.

Composability and measurement flexibility
Since we are all different, and we all have different wishes and needs, it is completely understandable that we want the shape of our furniture to mirror our own selves.
That is why our furniture is developed in a manner allowing each individual to design their own tailor-made setting, to match their design and functional requirements. Since our furniture is modular, all it takes is a little ingenuity to find the optimal solution for everyone.
The fact that our furniture is ready-to-assemble also enables you to make the best use of your space which is, unfortunately, often too small. You can achieve this by combining elements of different widths, heights, and depths.
We create tailor-made kitchens and fitted cupboards for each individual customer. As far as measurements are concerned, we will completely adapt to your space.

An extensive, varied choice of materials, colours, elements, and finishings will make it possible for you to choose the appropriate piece of furniture for every space, delighting any fancy
With our broad range of furniture lines, you will be able to furnish your kitchen, living room, bedroom, nursery and teenager's bedroom, study, walk-in wardrobe, hallway, home office, tourist accommodation, hotel room, and apartment.
One room can be furnished using several different furniture lines in order to become classic, rustic, modern or trendy, youthful or quiet, bright, dark, using various combinations or multiple colours.
You can choose from a tremendous variety of wood decors, colours, handles, elements, materials, and styles in order to always find a solution suited to your taste.

We will take care of everything
... because all that matters is your wishes, you can leave us to take care of the rest!
- informative offer sent after preliminary demand (when you visit our showroom, call us, or send us an e-mail),
- expert consultation regarding interior decoration, implementation, colours, and materials. Since our experts periodically undergo training sessions, they know much more about kitchens than you can find online. The best experts in the field of interior design are here to advise you.
- 3D outline of your cupboard (so you can imagine what the furniture you have ordered will look like),
- measurement of the space in your home (after the confirmation of our offer or after advance payment – for kitchens and fitted cupboards),
- quick delivery, i.e. short delivery time:
- the delivery of ordinary planar furniture will be made in 30 days from the date of order
- the delivery of made-to-order fitted cupboards will be made in 30-45 days from the date of order,
- the delivery of kitchens will be made in 30 days, the delivery of lacquered kitchens will be made in 45 days, and the delivery of Trento and Ikono kitchen will be made in 60 days from the date of order,
- standard remodellings and spare parts will be delivered in 30 days from the date of order.
- delivery (free delivery for kitchens, fitted cupboards, and planar furniture over €1,500)
- professional assembly of furniture in your home (free for fitted cupboards over €1,000, kitchens over €1,500; assembly of planar furniture costs between 5% and 10% of its value).

Nowadays, the market is teeming with extremely reasonably priced furniture or single-use furniture. Made of poor-quality material, it is also processed in a similar vein. Built-in high-quality hinges, high-quality materials, a shock absorbing system, and high-quality manufacturing are a guarantee for long years of flawless operation. Here at Alples, we are aware that furniture is more than just a ready-made confection and that we're not buying it for a short period.
This is why we always try to offer you modern furniture with a timeless design and high-quality production that we also support with flawless after-sale services.
Slovenian furniture at an advantageous price. See for yourself!
We offer you much more than just furniture: we offer you a new space which will become the heart of your home...when an apartment turns into a home.

With the spatial flexibility of the elements (production of custom elements and processing of elements) we achieve full use of space. You can adjust the size of the furniture, colors, handles and shape to suit the space and your wishes. We can customize desks, cabinets,…
Measurement flexibility of open custom elements.
Design and assembly of custom desks. The desk is an important element, so we allow custom sizes and a choice of shapes, colours and materials. Because it is important that the child gets used to working at a desk from an early age, Alples offers several different models of these.
You can assemble the desk yourself! We design a desk to measure and according to your wishes, which can be a classic flat shape or a table in a corner.
The maximum length of the plates is 2,400mm.
The thickness of the plates is 38mm.
Custom built-in cabinets compatible with Magnet furniture
With a custom-made Alples built-in wardrobe, you will gain storage space tailored to your individual needs and desires. With it, you will achieve full use of space even when it is complexly designed. There is virtually no limit to custom manufacturing. The cabinet can extend from wall to wall and from ceiling to floor, but it can also be shorter and end with a decorative side or. lower than the ceiling and ends with a cover plate. You can choose between sliding and classic doors. There are many different materials and colors available for both types of doors, from wood and colored decors and high-gloss decors to colored glass and mirrors. You can also opt for a corner built-in closet or a closet in a sloping attic. The advantage of our built-in cabinets is compliance with other Alples furniture. In this way, it is possible to equip the entire room with the same furniture.

Processing is a dimensional change of a standard element (processing does not mean making a new element). A standard element is processed to reduce its width, height or depth.
We process everything
- open cupboards,
- cabinets and wardrobes with doors and without drawers,
- cabinets and wardrobes with doors and drawers in height,
- bridge in height,
- corner cabinets,
- sliding cabinets,
- hanging end,
- all shelves (wall, additional, internal, cover plates),
- hanging cabinets with doors and
- beds and drawers under the beds along the length and of course
- desks across the width.
Open cabinets
Cabinets and wardrobes with doors and without drawers
Cabinets and wardrobes with doors and drawers in height
Bridge in height
Corner wardrobe
Sliding wardrobes
Hanging finish
All shelves (wall, additional, internal, cover plates)
Hanging cabinets with doors
Beds and drawers under the beds along the length
Desks across the width
We make custom panels and shelves. You choose the width and length, and we make a plate of flat or curved shape and close everything with a quality edge tape.
Link to the catalog of children’s rooms Magnet!
You can order the printed edition of the catalog here.
You can send an inquiry to or visit us at the nearest Alples furniture salon.
To get started, check out the site here.